Shipping complications, such as lost or spoiled cargo, late arrivals, and unexpected demurrage fees, cost you money you could have saved had you been provided with real-time data you could count on.

At AKUA Inc., we offer our customers real-time visibility with dependable ETA and real-time tracking and monitoring of cargo conditions. Our system helps business owners increase their ROI and profits.


Precise ETA Saves You Money

Manufacturing companies, which ship machinery parts from all over the world and send a team to assemble the product for their customers, have found the advantage of precise and factual visibility to be critical in reducing inefficiencies and saving costs. One of our customers chose to use AKUA’s devices because their shippers frequently estimated wrong delivery times, meaning some parts of their product had been delivered while other parts were still en route from various countries. When the third-party shipper notified our customer that all parts of their product had arrived at their destination, they sent a team to Algeria to assemble the equipment, only to find some parts had not been delivered and they could not complete their task until a later date. This cost the manufacturing company time, labor, and travel expenses. When it comes to project management, ETA is extremely important, and AKUA’s system solves that problem by providing real-time ETA directly to our customers, allowing them to plan efficiently and save money.


Real-Time Data Improves Customer Relations

The certainty and control that AKUA’s system provides saves customer relationships as well. When shipping equipment from the US to China, our customer employed our devices to monitor their cargo. This manufacturer received a call from their customer saying the shipment hadn’t shown up on the expected date, so the manufacturer called their shipper. The shipper said the product had arrived and was probably waiting at the receiving dock. But before advising their customer to send someone to the dock to retrieve the item, the manufacturer checked their data from their AKUA device. AKUA’s system could see exactly where the shipment was: still off the coast of China. Our customer was able to call their recipient back to set expectations and offer a productive update.

Delays are expensive and significant, and without this information about their shipment, the project manager would not have been able to adjust and safeguard against wasteful and unexpected charges. Because of AKUA, the manufacturer’s customer was able to avoid a massively expensive, unplanned change to the project schedule. The lesson: AKUA’s system empowers companies by providing them easy access to the exact status of their shipments instead of relying on a shipping company that is unable to see where the shipment is at any given time.


Monitoring Temperature Protects Goods & ROI

In addition to ETA, our system tracks a variety of global real-time factors regarding cargo condition, including humidity, heavy shocks, and temperature. An agricultural company that sells potato seed started using AKUA’s devices because previous shipments of seed had spoiled before reaching the farmers who purchased them. While using AKUA, the temperature in the truck that was transporting a shipment was inputted incorrectly and was too cold to preserve the seed during its trip from the US to the Middle East. AKUA’s system caught the error, and our customer was able to intercept the shipment before reaching the sailing dock and expedite a new batch of seed in time to make it to the farmers on schedule, which led to happy and satisfied customers all around.

If AKUA hadn’t been tracking the cargo, the farmers would have received frozen seed without even knowing it until long after they had planted them. All that expended labor and cost would have been devastating when, after a full growing season, nothing would have sprouted. This critical error would have terminated a one-million-dollar contract between the agricultural company and their customer. In addition, our customer was able to see exactly when the error occurred instead of having to guess what went wrong during the long journey, which allowed them to file an insurance claim.

AKUA’s devices and data are unlike any other, and they help companies like these save on costs and take control of their shipments, whether the shipment is on land or on the ocean. When product quality, delivery time, and condition are critical to the customer, truth and accuracy matter.